Monday, September 10, 2007

Leaf Fossil Hunting

Fossil Finders
Dennis and I went leaf fossil hunting most of the day on Saturday. We had some great finds! I know you wish you had been there..we wish you were there also. I will include more fossil photos soon.! The first one is a pod or a reed of some sort in its entirety and the next is a large maples type of leaf and another one also on the same rock split.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ensign Cover Yes it is Tiffany

In case any of you missed this on Lynne Marie's Blog I have moved it also to mine...She is the one in the center of course, where else would you find Tiffany in a crowd!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Condo Colors By Andrew and Mom...YES COLOR!

We do not recommend the short time (and lack of sleep) this project was done in !!!
The Dining Area Before


The Kitchen BeforeDuring Transition...yes it is yellow

And After

LivingRoom Before


LivingRoom After

The Guest Bedroom Before
And After...
And After!

Next The Master Bedroom

The Master Bedroom Before ..Our Last Room....... It took all of the last night and we saw the sunrise.......zzzzz After Views

This is Andrew Done In Before We headed for the Airport!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007



Amy's favorite place...looks like Seneca agrees. We joined them just before they headed back to Texas...

Now this is heaven!
She sure makes it look delicious!

Temple Lights

After family photos in SLC this was the view of the Temple over the trees